Wednesday, 27 June 2012


June's Messy Church was one of the most fun events we've had. Amazingly the weather was ok for our barbecue and we really enjoyed some great food - thanks again to butcher Steve Mellor, Coleshill Road, for providing us with such excellent sausages and burgers... and of course to Nick for cooking it!
Food aside the day was particularly special because we had some great Father's Day challenges including making a tower from spaghetti and marshmallows (as shown in these pictures) and creating a parachute and cradle for a raw egg that would protect it on a treacherous decent from the church tower!

There was just a hint of competitiveness when, towards the end of the afternoon, we gathered outside to find out the results of the challenges and specifically to see what would become of the eggs. Pete bravely ascended the tower with a bag full of eggs and ingenious egg-protection devices and then the eggs began to fall. (You can just about make out the black bin-bag parachute in this picture.) Much to our surprise some of the parachutes worked and the eggs, rather than plummeting to earth at great speed, actually floated rather gracefully to the ground. In the end about 4 eggs survived. Trophies were given to the winners of each challenge category and sweets all round for effort! 
Other highlights from the day include...
-  the creation of some splendid family crests
- significant engineering prowess being exhibited as dads made elastic powered cars from CDs, cardboard, piping and elastic bands
- plenty of delicious cakes
- a game of footie in the courtyard
- lots of brainy people showing that they are very good at picture quizzes

If you missed out don't worry because our next Messy Church is only a few weeks away and it has a special Olympic theme - join us on Sunday 22 July, 4-6pm.

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